Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A Charlie Brown Christmas

As I was flipping through the channels looking for a good Christmas show to watch, I noticed something. All of the shows were entertaining. They were cute and cuddly, and ended with a Merry Christmas. But I also noticed this: out of all these Christmas shows, very few mentioned Jesus. Need I remind the general public that the first six letters in "Christmas" do in fact spell out CHRIST?

In a world where Christians are hushed, forced to keep their beliefs quiet, and even told that they need to keep said beliefs out of a holiday that quite obviously is in fact based on Jesus Christ himself...we can find relief from this oppression within a show we had all along: A Charlie Brown Christmas. This loveable Christmas cartoon has been around for decades, and like so many of the others, it can be enjoyed by adults and children alike. But what I really love about this show is the fact that through all the comedy and chaos, the true meaning of Christmas is spoken.

Sure, Santa is jolly. And yes, Rudolph is cute. But Jesus, our Savior, who died for us at Calvary, was born on Christmas day, and if you ask me, this is a much more meaningful reason to celebrate.

Merry Christmas and God Bless You All!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Relevant Magazine

After reading only one issue of this magazine, I'd have to say it's a good choice not only for Christian readers, but for just about any one. While the magazine has an appeal to mainly Christian audiences, it doesn't sugarcoat the world as if to say we're all followers of Christ. The magazine boasts impressive reviews of not only Christian music and books, but of secular entertainment as well. Being a bit of a music freak myself, I appreciated the variety of musical genres represented within the magazine, including some alternative stuff, which I tend to be partial to. However, some more mainstream music was advertised as well. Relevant wasn't just entertainment reviews, though. The magazine lived up to its name, by containing inspiring stories on things that truly are relevant.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Relient K CD Review

Relient K
Five Score and Seven Years Ago

I thought this CD was great! It really broke any preconceived notions that people may have about Christian rock music. With catchy tunes and beats, the album was by no means boring, and for the most part the lyrics provided a positive message. With references to Jesus and prayer, I'd say this album is a good choice for Christian teens looking for an alternative to some of the less appropriate music out there. The songs are unique and diverse, not only as compared to the music on the radio, but as compared to each other. Some have a rather poppy feel to them, while others are comparable with something a bit more underground. However, don't mistake "poppy" for hum-drum. This music is not at all a typical picture of pop music. There is a much deeper and more powerful meaning in the lyrics than your cliche "Oooo baby I love you" alongside other things I don't find quite necessary to add on a Christian blog. (You all know what I'm talking about!!!) I highly recommend this CD both as Christian and as a person who simply likes good music.